Tervisetehnoloogiate Arenduskeskus (Competence Centre on Health Technologies)

Tervisetehnoloogiate Arenduskeskus (Competence Centre on Health Technologies)


Tervisetehnoloogiate Arenduskeskus AS (Competence Centre on Health Technologies, CCHT) is a biotechnology company established in 2009, that during 2009-2014 was known as the Competence Centre on Reproductive Medicine and Biology. CCHT was founded as a consortium consisting of academia, leading biotechnology enterprises and human/veterinary clinics in Estonia (in total 13 partners). The aim of CCHT is through collaboration to create synergy between all partners in order to establish a platform for new opportunities to develop innovative technologies as well as to boost commercialization of scientific achievements.


Tervisetehnoloogiate Arenduskeskus (Competence Centre on Health Technologies)


Teaduspargi tn 13, 50411 Tartu, Eesti


ccht@ccht / kaarel.krjutshkov@ccht.ee.ee


Tervisetehnoloogiate Arenduskeskus AS (Competence Centre on Health Technologies, CCHT) is a biotechnology company established in 2009, that during 2009-2014 was known as the Competence Centre on Reproductive Medicine and Biology. CCHT was founded as a consortium consisting of academia, leading biotechnology enterprises and human/veterinary clinics in Estonia (in total 13 partners). The aim of CCHT is through collaboration to create synergy between all partners in order to establish a platform for new opportunities to develop innovative technologies as well as to boost commercialization of scientific achievements.



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Position on the value chain

With the ultimate aim to create a European alliance for bioproduction in Europe, organisations have joined forces with COBIOE. Discover who are our associates.

Bio-resources and biobanking
  • Cells, tissues and humanized xeno-organs
  • Biosamples
  • Viral, phage or bacterial specimen
Identification of biotherapies
  • Target identification
  • Target validation
  • Screening
Drug design
  • Drug assessment
  • Drug engineering
  • In vitro preclinical studies
Clinical validation
  • Clinical trials
  • In vivo preclinical validation
  • Pre-industrial scale production
  • Upstream processes
  • Downstream processes
  • Quality control
Market access
  • CE mark / market authorisation
  • Payment / Reimbursement
  • Care pathways