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Oncorena AB
Oncorena AB
Oncorena AB is a Swedish pharma company founded in 2011, in Gothenburg, with the mission to develop a breakthrough treatment for metastatic renal cancer headquartered.
Oncorena AB
Scheeletorget 1, Lund 22381
Lund, Sweden
Lund, Sweden
Contact /
Oncorena AB is a Swedish pharma company founded in 2011, in Gothenburg, with the mission to develop a breakthrough treatment for metastatic renal cancer headquartered.
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Bio-resources and biobanking
- Cells, tissues and humanized xeno-organs
- Biosamples
- Viral, phage or bacterial specimen

Identification of biotherapies
- Target identification
- Target validation
- Screening

Drug design
- Drug assessment
- Drug engineering
- In vitro preclinical studies

Clinical validation
- Clinical trials
- In vivo preclinical validation
- Pre-industrial scale production

- Upstream processes
- Downstream processes
- Quality control

Market access
- CE mark / market authorisation
- Payment / Reimbursement
- Care pathways
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